The skilled volunteers that make up Neptune’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM) are trained to mitigate, prepare, respond, and recover 24/7/365. Our agency has a reputation for being highly skilled, well-equipped and ready to handle any unique scenario that comes our way. From chemical spills to natural disasters, water rescues and structural collapses, Neptune Township OEM answers the call.

NTOEM is an active agency and does require members to complete required training, attend meetings, and respond to emergency calls, so applicants should be ready and willing to participate. Membership with NTOEM is available at various levels to accommodate your skill set and availability, and training will be provided to members wishing to advance to any specialized units. All training and gear is provided, and a Reimbursement Program for expenses related to volunteering is available.

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    Opportunities available include:

    Emergency Response & Incident Management

    Hazardous Materials (HazMat) Team

    Special Operations Technical Rescue Team

    ANSWER Water Rescue Team

    Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

    Join Us
    "This is a great opportunity to expand your knowledge base while having a lasting impact on people’s lives."
    Robert Klenk, HazMat